Jil. 2, no. 1B (1989)-Jil. 9, no. 3B (Aug. 1996).
Jil. 9, no. 2B (Mei 1996)-Jil. 11, no. 4B (Nov. 1998).
Jil. 1, no. 1-jil. 1, no. 4.
tim peneliti, Bonor Simanjntak ... [et al.].
Collected questions (question bank) for physics for use in evaluation of the education process in teachers training schools.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves [98]-[100]).
oleh tim studi.
At head of title : PT. Jasa Marga (Persero).
Began in 2001.
kerjasama antara Pemerintah Kabupaten Sangau dengan Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Institute Pertanian Bogor.
pembimbing teknis, Abd. Rachman Shaleh, Faesol Muslim ; penyusun, Drs. Dasrizal ; editor, Fadhal Ar Bafadal.
tim peneliti, Djoko Waluyo ... [et al.].
[tim penyusun, R.H.A. Syahirul Alim ... et al.].
oleh Ketut Gede Dharma Putra ... [et al.].
No. 01 (Des. 2000)-
pelaksana, Undang Mardiana ... [et al.].
pelaksana, Emi Sukiyah ... [et al.].
disusun oleh Hadiat ... [et al.].
Fakultas Keguruan Ilmu Eksakta, IKIP Bandung, penjusun, Garnadi Prawirosoedirdjo ... [et al.].
English and Indonesian.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 85-86).
penyunting, Bambang Tri Cahyono.
oleh tim peneliti, Sukma Indra ... [et al.].
"Maret 1998."
Microfiche. Jakarta : Library of Congress Office ; Washington, D.C. : Library of Congress Photoduplication Service. microfiches.
Title from disc label.
In English.
Description based on: Th. 2, edisi 1 (Mrt. 2009); title from cover.
"Pasal 2P., tahun anggaran 2000."
[produced by] Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Keuangan, Departemen Keuangan, Republik Indonesia.
penyunting, Hariyadi.
penyunting, Basuki Purwadi, Syaifullah & Muhammad Afdi Nizar.
tim kelompok kerja Otoritas Jasa Keuangan.
In Indonesian
penyunting, Abdul Halim.
kumpulan karangan, Moenaf H. Regar ... [et al.].
Description based on: 1988/1989.
Master microform held by: DLC.
Began with: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Okt. 2014).
penulis, Dr. Ilfi Nur Diana, dkk. ; editor, Prof. Dr. H. Muhammad Djakfar, S.H., M.Ag.
editor, Widjajanti M. Santoso, Siti Nurhasanah, Kunthi Tridewiyanti.
Cover title.
In Indonesian.
tim penyunting, Muhammad Firdaus N.H. ... [et al.].
editor, Aryo Dharma Pahla Irhamna [and three others].
editor, Hilman Latief, Mukhlis Rahmanto.
Fakultas Ekonomi UI.
Chiefly in Indonesian, and some articles in English.